I'm a full-stack developer, which means I can code both backend and frontend, yet I suck at designing :')
I had an amazing experience with this python module and it's the main thing that I use in most projects lol, I'm a full-stack developer but I love and prefer to stick with the backend more than the frontend ^^.
yeah, the discord api. that huge community plateform that almost everyone uses lol, bots are too useful there,
for instance listening to music, automating tasks and much more :D
unfortunately discord.py is discontinued, therefore nextcord is a bit heavy and slow, so the best alternative in my consensus is disnake lol.
it's literally the best javascript framework for making desktop apps (alternatives exist thought), however I prefer it hence it's supported by many communities/devs and can be used along with NodeJS.
one of the best javascript runtime environements and it's the most adequate to make the backend with javascript using expressJS.
another javascript framework used for frontend developing, it's useful for developers that can't use jinja2. (I presume that jinja2 > VueJS)
a node module that lets you use javascript to make the backend. some people think that it's better than flask, well, I beg to differ, I concur with the fact that flask is complicated to learn, nevertheless it's easy to use and fast.
another NodeJS module to simulate a minecraft client from the cli (without using any graphical interface).
it's useful if you want to make a dashboard, info collector or a discord bot related to a minecraft server uf the server doesn't provide an api. we can use this module to execute commands such /kick NacreousDawn596
I used these earlier when I was first learning C and C++.
I made few simple games like tic-tac-toe, aim training game and a physics simulator.
of course I didn't use only these frameworks, programs and modules. I used a lot more than that, but I don't wanna write everything here.
I actually haven't done much yet, I'm passionated with coding more than testing, however I will write some tools that I use frequently.
one of the best tools to capture your internet traffic (or the router traffic using ARP poisonning).
they're often used to poison the router or targetting one device. and they're also used for reverse engineering.
one of my favourite tools, it's used to stress or confuse the nearby network monitors, it may also deauthenticate them, it's fun to use :)
one of the attacks that seems useful to me, hence it bruteforces the 8-digits wifi passwords within seconds if it was vulnerable.
another password cracking tool that uses bruteforce or dictionnary, I really like it because it's too useful when it comes to cracking zip files passwords and it can be used along with hashcat too.
I won't write all the tools that I used, or else I will be risking this page to be removed
is this a sign to prove that I don't have a life? :')
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- Made by: Afriad Kamal.